

an exhibition of
soft hardware

Offline is an exhibition of crafted works that respond to the digital revolution. Some play with surface in a way that cannot be translated into image. Others look ironically at the shadows that computer technologies cast on our world. During the 1998 Adelaide Festival, it was offline at JamFactory Craft & Design gallery, accompanied by the Byline seminars.

From where you are now, online, you can learn a little more about these works and the people who made them. You can also help build this space by contributing a story about an object of yours that went permanently offline. If you want to recover this precious object, then please visit our grand lost property office with all the lost treasures of the world.

What's inside? While the real world holds mystery and glace, the hyperreal universe contains only news, challenges that demand one's reaction. And while in reality one may be defeated or redeemed, in hyperreality one can only win or lose. In the real world one may earn affection and gratitude, in the hyperreal framework there are only prizes and acclaim.

Albert Borgmann Crossing the Postmodern Divide Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992, p. 99

If nude objects offend, please do not proceed.

This page last changed on 27 April 2003



Curated by Kevin Murray