of Manalargenna's descendents ended up on Cape Barren Island, which
today form a lively component of the Palawa community in Tasmania.
Since the notorious black line that pushed the indigenous population
of Tasmania off the island, it has been popularly held that there
were no Tasmanian Aborigines left. Truganini was understood as the
'last of the Tasmanians'. Contemporary Tasmanians are now recognising
the Aboriginal status of the Cape Barren Islanders. Many of them
share common descent from Mannarlargenna.
When we were off Swan Island MANNALARGENNA the chief
gave evident signs of strong emotion. here opposite to this island
was his country; Swan Island was the place I brough him to when
I removed him from his country. He paced the deck, looked on all
the surrounding objects, fresh recollections came to his mind. He
paced to and fro like a man of consequence, like an emperor. Round
his head he had tied a slip of kangaroo skin, which added greatly
to his imperial dignity. At one time he took the map in his hand
and looked on it intently, took the spyglass and looked through
it. It was amusing enough to see him. He allowed that I was equally
great with himself, that I had travelled in all directions. Swan
Island is called WALE.KOME.KUN.NER.
Augustus Robinson, in N.J.B. Plomley Weep
In Silence: History of the Flinders Island Aboriginal settlement
Sandy Bay: Blubber Head Press, 1987, pp. 297-98